Litter Risk

In our fast-paced world, everything revolves around convenience. Snacks, drinks, and fast food that are easy to eat or drink on the go have become an essential part of our daily lives. Convenient, for sure, but they also come with a major environmental problem: litter.

Packaging for on-the-go products is often lightweight, easy to carry, and designed to be thrown away after a single use. As a result, these items are more likely to end up on the streets or in nature rather than in a trash can or recycling bin. Moreover, these products are often consumed outdoors, in places where trash bins are not always easily accessible. This increases the chance that they will become litter, with harmful consequences for nature, cities, and even the oceans.

The Plastic Soup Surfer organisation addresses Litter Risk as we think this factor is overlooked in both policies aiming to reduce litter and in the industry itself and design agencies that create To Go packaging. We research the packaging related factors that determine the chance that packaging will be littered. We advocate for the both creative and effective political measures to prevent litter and we help the industry to design better To Go packaging that result in less litte